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Jeri Ho

Jeri Ho

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I graduated from Daoist Traditions in 2017, and resumed my Classical Channels study with Ann C-S in 2022.

-Ann Chat member since 07/2022

-Albuquerque, NM 09/2022

-ABQ, NM 09/2023

-Classical Medicine Mentorship 2023

-Pulse Class, Greenville, SC 04/2024

-Current Classical Medicine Academy member

-I also LOVE learning about Food Therapy with Andrew, and find it vital to my health, my practice and my clients' health!!! Drinking enough water, having enough soups and porridges and eating enough food has changed my health drastically in the last 2 years. I appreciate so much the foundational health principles Ann and Andrew remind us of and embody!

Ever grateful to Jeffrey Yuen for the integrity with which he holds this lineage, and how he inspires us all to find our own resonance with the medicine.



825, East Speer Boulevard, Alamo Placita, Denver, Colorado, 80218, United States

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825, East Speer Boulevard, Alamo Placita, Denver, Colorado, 80218, United States
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Author Info

Jeri Ho

Member since 2 years ago
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