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Melinda Wheeler

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If you are a human being living life, acupuncture and herbal medicine have something to offer you.

One of my favorite aspects of Chinese medicine is that we so resolutely emphasize how this work is an opportunity to treat the whole person—not just the “disease.” I work with all kinds of people on anything they come through the door with – and by treating them as the unique individual they are, we are able to shift the way they experience their ailment and often, their life more broadly too.

My journey to Chinese medicine began when I was living in Eugene, Oregon working as a Diversity and Outreach coordinator at the University of Oregon. I first found acupuncture as a patient—and it not only radically changed my health it also simultaneously lifted and supported my spirit… so I dove right in! I left my job at the University to manage a clinic in Eugene, Luke Adler Healing, and after years being exposed to Chinese medicine while running the front desk, I knew I needed to study this beautiful system of healing firsthand.

The study of Classical Chinese medicine has been such a meaningful homecoming for me. Classical Chinese medicine is a complete system of healthcare – which means that we can treat most anything. It is also a medicine-philosophy which often becomes a beacon of light toward living a most fulfilled and embodied life. One of my favorite things about Chinese medicine is that it honors each of us wherever we are. The principles of the medicine are based in non-judgement and are deeply life-affirming.

It is my great honor and privilege to serve my patients, walking alongside them on their path to health and wellness. My life’s mission is to love my family and to share as much of the incredible precision, accuracy, and easeful application of the acupuncture channel system with my patients and my students – not only during treatments or classes but in each of their daily lives.


4852, Southwest Scholls Ferry Road, Raleigh Hills, Portland, Washington County, Oregon, 97225, United States

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4852, Southwest Scholls Ferry Road, Raleigh Hills, Portland, Washington County, Oregon, 97225, United States
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Melinda Iglesias Wheeler

Member since 6 years ago
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