
ACS Blog

Not Really Reflux – by Ann Cecil-Sterman

Sometimes I think we’re in the most humbling of professions. There’s more information than we can possibly master or absorb in a lifetime and then, at every moment of the patient encounter, and all the way through the treatment, we must be ready to be wrong. And then, when we realize we’re wrong, we have

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ACS Blog

Homeless For Now – by Ann Cecil-Sterman

Interesting case today and perhaps the highlight of the week. I saw a homeless man with a mountain of debt and with one single penny and two sticks of beef jerky in his pocket. He’d had a job in a store but neglected to pay his parking fines which accrued so much interest that the

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ACS Blog

The Curious Case of the Changing Profession – by Ann Cecil-Sterman

A curious case today. An actor came in with long-term general malaise and migraines for as long as he could remember. After a deep discussion he told me that he feels that only one percent of his talent has been realized in his current profession, despite his substantial success, but that he can’t tell anyone

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ACS Blog

A Note From The Day – by Ann Cecil-Sterman

A rare departure from the complement channels for me today. A pop singer came in today announcing that she was about to go on antibiotics for swollen lymph nodes in the neck. She had to leave early to fly and there wasn’t much time. Having been called to rescue her gut many times over the

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ACS Blog

Choosing Acupuncture Needles and the Quest to be Effective and Tread Lightly at the Same Time – by Ann Cecil-Sterman

For many years I used the same brand of needles. They were superbly engineered. Made of shiny stainless steel and completely uncoated, they performed their job superbly. They would engage Qi effortlessly and allowed my intention as practitioner to be enacted, just as a fisherman (fisherperson?!) moves the bait to hook his catch. Once on

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Food As Medicine Andrew Sterman Ann Cecil-Sterman fresh meal
Food Blog

Getting Food In Order: A Guide To Meal Design, by Andrew Sterman

Food talk today can be complex and confusing: eat more of this, less of that; this is a superfood, that other is a mustavoid…or is it the other way around? Fads come and go, and studies can be found to justify almost anything. What is often overlooked is the importance of the way foods are

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Food As Medicine Andrew Sterman Ann Cecil-Sterman bone broth
Food Blog

Bone Broth Finds the Spotlight, by Andrew Sterman

In the dietary branch of Chinese Medicine, cooking bones is a method to extract the essence of the animal in a way that can most easily be digested and assimilated. There is something shamanistic about it; we are trying to absorb the deepest digestible energy of the animal. Yes, high cuisine relies upon stocks for

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Food As Medicine Andrew Sterman Ann Cecil-Sterman grains
Food Blog

In Praise of Grains, by Andrew Sterman

With so much food variety today—and so many people’s health sabotaged by their food choices—one thing we can count on is a steady stream of food fads. To be more respectful, let’s call them trends. To someone following a new trend, of course, it seems totally sensible, the only questions left are, “What took me

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Food As Medicine Andrew Sterman Ann Cecil-Sterman wet damp
Food Blog

Diet & Dampness, by Andrew Sterman

Dampness is one of the six climatic factors taught in Chinese medicine, along with cold, heat (fire), wind, summer-heat, and dryness. For many today, modern heating and air-conditioning have eased the climatic influences—unrelenting cold or oppressively humid summer heat can be escaped by going indoors. And while climatic dampness can be an important issue for

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Food As Medicine Andrew Sterman Ann Cecil-Sterman grains
Food Blog

Cook As An Herbalist, by Andrew Sterman

There are many Chinese medicinal herbs that double as foods, and some famous herbs are used in the specialty tradition of herbal broth cooking. But to be fully integrated with a living Chinese medicine, there is nothing more powerful than organizing your daily foods as the herbs of your life. Rather than adding medicinals to

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